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Customize Session and Folders Appearance

Users can configure appearance options of a Session. (These settings aren't the filtering, sorting, and appearance options.) The Session settings are the Session's appearance in the Sessions List and Sessions Page.

You can change the Session or folder's name, description, and color from the Sessions Page.

In the Sessions Page, click on the Settings button () to access the Session or folder settings you want to change.


Clicking on the Settings button opens again the Save Session window. (See Create a Session for more information about the Save Session window.) Change any setting or information you like.

  1. Name Type the Session's new name here.
  2. Description Type or edit the Session's description.
  3. Icon Choose a new icon. As alternative, click on the icon to remove any icon from the Session's tile.
  4. Color Choose a color from the default list or specify a custom one by clicking on the drop-down list or typing a color code.

    !!! tip You can type in the drop-down list a HTML, Hexadecimal, RGB, and RGBA color code to specify a particular color shade.

Click on the Save button to confirm the changes to the Session's settings.

The action will save the new Session's appearance.


Clicking on the Settings button opens the Edit Folder window. Change any setting or information you like.

  1. Name Type the folder's new name here.
  2. Icon Choose a new icon. As alternative, click on the icon to remove any icon from the Session's tile.
  3. Color Choose a color from the default list or select one by clicking on the drop-down list or typing a color code.

    !!! tip You can type in the drop-down list a HTML, Hexadecimal, RGB, and RGBA color code to specify a particular color shade.

Click on the Save button to confirm the changes to the folder's settings.

The action will save the new folder's appearance settings.