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Switch between Sessions

Learn how to switch between Sessions you have created.

If you have one or more saved Sessions, you can either switch between Sessions or open an empty Session.

Open a Session from within the Application

Inside an application, clicking on the Sessions () button opens the Sessions window with all the Sessions available for the current user..


If you have set up a Session as the Default: the application will load the default Session automatically at the access. (See Create a Session and Load a Session when launching an application automatically for more information about saving a Default Session.)

You can load a Session at any time by following the steps below.

  1. Click on the Sessions () button on the application's top strip bar in the upper-right corner. The action opens the Sessions List.

  2. The Sessions window all the saved Sessions and folders available in alphabetical order. (The Sessions window displays the folders before the Sessions in the list.) Select the Session you want to load by clicking on it. Name, icon, and color identify each saved Session.

    If the Session you are looking for is in a folder, navigate the application's Sessions folder tree through the left sidebar. Click on each folder to expand it and move in the directory. The upper bar highlights the folder in the path you are currently in.

    The window lists the folder's content in the grid on the right.

The application will load the selected Session.


If you pass the pointer on a Session in the Sessions window, two icons appear enabling two actions:

  • Copy the Session's name.
  • Opens the Session in another browser's tab.

Search a Session

If you have saved multiple Sessions, you can search the list of Sessions through the search bar.

  1. In the Sessions window, you find the search bar in the upper-right corner. Click on the textbox and type the name of the Session you are looking for.

  2. Click on the Session you want to load from the results.

The action will load the preferred Session from the results.


If you pass the pointer on the Session's name in the results, a tooltip will display its path in the folder's tree.

Exit a Session

You can also decide to exit the Session. In such case, the application will open a new empty Session.

If a Session is loaded in the application, the Reopen the current Application, using an empty session () button will appear in the top-right corner of the application's top strip bar.

You can exit the current Session by clicking on the Reopen the current Application, using an empty session () button.

The action leads back to the application with an empty Session.