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Conventions and HTTP Status Codes

This reference summarizes conventions and HTTP Status Codes employed in eLegere's developers documentation.


List of common term employed in the developers' documentation.

Term Explanation
Client The web app running in the user's browser
Status The received HTTP response code

HTTP Status Codes


eLegere provides all the responses in JSON format.

The Status Codes have the following format:

  • 2xx: The status codes beginning with this prefix inform about a success.
  • 4xx: The status codes beginning with this prefix inform that the error happened on the client's side.
  • 5xx: The status codes beginning with this prefix inform that the error happened on the server's side.

The table below lists all the status codes responses

Status Code Description
200 Operation Success
201 Created
202 Accepted (Request accepted and queued for execution)
400 Bad Request
401 Authentication Failure
403 Forbidden
404 Resource not found
405 Method not allowed
409 Conflict
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not implemented.
503 Service Unavailable