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General Notes


All SERVER SIDE functions that return a certain value can be also used as an argument in client-side functions only if their argument statement are not value-parameterized on the cells of the client-UI rendered records.

In SERVER SIDE S functions the conditional arguments must be an expression of this type: "" COP " value". The "value" arguments is any constant value or server side expression returning a value.


EQ, NEQ, GTE, GT, LT, LTE conditional functions must be used only in argument of "SERVER SIDE R" context functions. Furthermore also their expression's arguments must be "server-side-row" statements or expression.

==, !=, <=, >=, <, > conditional operators (COP) can be used only when its expression's operands are executed "SERVER SIDE R".

SQLIN and SQLAND function can be used only as conditional argument in "SERVER SIDE S" functions.

OR and AND function can be used only as conditional argument in "SERVER SIDE R" functions.