Filters' Query Composition


The document summarizes the filtering operators and options available for the items' queries through API methods. Get Items and Get Attachments List employ such operators.

The Filters' Query Composition document lists and explains each filtering operator and option available when composing a request body for the Get Items and Get Attachments List API methods.

Supported ODATA Comparison Operators

The Get Items API supports the following list of ODATA comparison operators:

Operator Operation Example
eq Equal $filter=userEmail eq ''
ne Not Equal $filter=SaleOrderCategoryNumber neq 11
gt Greater than $filter=budget gt 300
lt Less than $filter=budget lt 300
ge Greater than or Equal $filter=budget gte 300
le Less than or Equal $filter=budget le 300


You should write String-type values for ODATA Comparison Operators between apostrophes (''). Insert special characters in String-type values through the URL Encode format. (E.g. She's She%27s.)

You can use null values for comparison. E.g. ?$filter=Name eq null. The query looks for Name field's values that are null.

Supported ODATA Functions

The Get Items API supports the following list of ODATA functions:

substringof Searches the specified alphanumeric characters within a text (i.e. a String-type value). Accepts two values in order: the field's name as first parameter and the string value to be searched as second parameter. $filter=substringof(Code, '77aQ')
startswith Returns all the String-type values beginning with the specified set of alphanumeric characters. Accepts two values in order: the field's name as first parameter and a string value to be searched as second parameter. $filter=startswith(Code, 'AA27')
endswith Returns all the String-type values ending with the specified set of alphanumeric characters. Accepts two values in order: the field's name as first parameter and a string value to be searched as second parameter. $filter=endswith(Code, 'RM005')
multi Returns all the entries having certain values stored in a Multiselection field. Accepts at least three parameters and you can specify as many values as you want after the requested parameters. The function requires the following parameters: the field's name as first parameters; 0 (the entry's Multiselection contains AT LEAST ONE of the values) or 1 (the entry's Multiselection must contain ALL the specified values); the option's Id to search in the Multiselection field (and you can add more divided by a comma). $filter=multi(tags, 0, 11, 12, 13)
Supported ODATA Combining Filters

The Get Items API supports the following list of ODATA combining filters:

Logical Operator Example
and $filter=Name eq 'Joe' and Surname eq 'Doe'
or $filter=Name eq 'Joe' or Surname eq 'Doe'
not $filter=Surname not 'Black'
ODATA Paging and Sorting Options

Use the following operators to provide criteria to page the results' list:

Option Meaning Example
$top The query returns only the first n number of entries (e.g. first 200). $top=200
$skip The query ignores the first n number of entries resulting from the search.(E.g. Query ignores the first 50 entries, then the query starts returning the rest of the entries.) $skip=50
$orderby The query sorts the results' list according to the specified field and the specified order option: Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) option. Divide each attribute through a comma. $orderby=Name desc, Age asc