Save Filters and Properties for the Next Access

Learn how to save all your filtering options and Properties for the next access to the application.

An application doesn't maintain the Properties and filters when leaving the application. But, you can save the chosen Properties and filters for a future access through a Session.


An application doesn't maintain the Filters and Properties unless you save them through a Session.

eLegere applications can save all your filtering options and Properties besides the sorting and appearance options as Sessions. Users can recall these custom presets of options at any time.

These presets are called Sessions.

You can create a Session with all your settings while working inside the application.

  1. Click on the Save Session As button () on the upper-right corner of the application on the top bar.

  2. The Save Session window will appear.

    • (1) Type a Name for your Session. The Name identifies your Session among others.

    • (2) Type a Description. optional

    • (3) Choose a Color to identify the preset. optional

    • (4) Enable the Default toggle switch if you want to see this Session every time you enter the application. optional

    • (5) Click on the Save button to save the preset.


You can even choose a Session as the Default one to load it at every access to the application. Click on the Default toggle switch while creating the Session.

You will have saved the Session with all your Properties, filters, sorting, and appearance options.

You can load the preferred Session by clicking on the Sessions button ().

  1. Click on the the Sessions button () on the upper-right corner of the application on the top bar.

  2. A drop-down list of the available Sessions will appear. Choose the preset you want to load in the application.

The application will load the chosen Session with all your view and sorting options.

You can restore your preferred settings at any time by loading a Session .


If you have made the Session the Default one: the application will load it every time you enter.


Check the Work with Sessions section to know more about Sessions.