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What's New 2.13-prerelease.4

Welcome to eLegere 2.13-prerelease.4!


  Important Changes

Important Changes

[Breaking Change] Changed the Context Sent to Reports and Webforms

The context of Reports and Webforms has changed to consider Row Restrictions formulas (Design Mode > Settings > Restrictions > Row). The reports won't include data from rows not satisfying the Row Restrictions.

Before 2.13-prerelease.4, the context for Reports and Webforms didn't consider the Row Restrictions.


If you are a Designer or you work with the eLegere's database and reports, please check New Context for Reports and Webforms with Row Restrictions to learn further details on Reports and Webforms' context and Row Restrictions.


From 2.13-prerelease.4, you can generate a link to an application without specifying also a field and a value for filtering.

The =GENERATEAPPLINK() function now requires only the first parameter (i.e. the application's ID) to work.

The second and third parameter are now optional. Before 2.13-prerelease.4, the =GENERATEAPPLINK() required also the second and third parameter.



The variable $CURRENTAPP has now a further option to generate a link to the application on the fly: $CURRENTAPP.LINK

Insert $CURRENTAPP.LINK wherever you need a link to the current application.


Bug Fix

New bug fixes have solved issues from previous 2.13 prerelease versions.