SOLUTION - Create a Lookup with a Products and Services Category List for "Personal Budget"

If you have had difficulties in solving the exercise, in this page you find the step-by-step solution.

  1. Create a Blank Storage called Transactions Products Services. Transactions Products Services will record the options for the lookup with all the products and services categories.

  2. Add to Transactions Products Services Storage the following fields:

    • IdTransactionsProductsServices Identity
    • Name String
    • Icon Icon

  3. You now need an application to insert data in Transactions Products Services. Create an application called Transactions Products and Services. Customize the appearance of the application's tile if you like.

  4. There is no need to customize the appearance, you must fill only two fields Name and Icon.

    Insert some categories of services and product that you might use in your daily routine with Personal Budget. (E.g. Healthcare, Utilities, Transport).

  5. Save all the changes in Transactions Products and Services.

  6. In the Storage editor of Transactions, add a Numeric type field TransactionsProductServiceId.

  7. Create a Relation between TransactionsProductServiceId and IdTransactionsProductsServices in Transactions. Call it Transactions_Product_Service_Categories_Lookup.

  8. Enter the Design Mode of Personal Budget. Configure the Lookup Relation of TransactionsProductServiceId as in the image. Then click on the Confirm button to save the changes.

  9. Make the TransactionsProductServiceId visible in the Master sub-panel. The Relation should resemble the picture below.

  10. Change the header's label of TransactionsProductServiceId to Product Service in the Master sub-panel.

  11. Arrange as you prefer the Product Service column in the Layout. (See the section Customizing the Application's Appearance.)

  12. Save all the changes in Personal Budget Design Mode.

Now Personal Budget should look like this:

You have completed the exercise for the Lookups section. Go back to the tutorial.